What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness refers to a state of awareness, focus, and attention in the present moment.
Why is mindfulness important?
Mindfulness is a tool to help manage stressful thought processes. Personal distress is often due to current, past or future negative thoughts or fears. Stressful thoughts may paralyze one with anxiety, interrupt sleep, take away pleasure, and have adverse effects on health.
What is the goal of mindfulness?
The goal is to listen to one’s own feelings and thoughts as “just thoughts”. It is important to learn that feelings, both pleasant and unpleasant, rise and fall beyond one’s control. Therefore, one learns to wait them out until they subside versus acting out in response to them.
Where can I learn mindfulness techniques?
Mindfulness is often part of yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, art therapy, group therapy, and religious activity. You can take classes virtually as well.
Can I do this at home?
Yes, you can start with a mindfulness breathing exercise of 5 belly breaths as part of your bedtime routine.
1) Sit in a comfortable position with legs crossed
2) Place your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your belly.
3) Count to five as you breathe in through your nose, feel your belly rise like a balloon (older children and adults can count silently in their head, younger children may want a parent to count for them)
4) Count to five as you breathe out through your nose and feel your belly drop
5) Complete 5 belly breaths
Return to this breathing exercise throughout the day during times of negative or anxious thoughts.